Monday 20 February 2017

Sea Ice in Antarctica reaches record low value.

Sea Ice in Antarctica reaches record low value.
The sea ice floating around the Antarctica has contracted (संकुचित) to the smallest value as compared to the past years. This area is smallest when compared to all available data in satellite records dating back to 1979.  As per the data received from U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) the sea
ice area contracted to 2.287 million square kilometres on 13 February 2017.  This area is a bit smaller than the previous low of 2.290 million square kilometres that was recorded on Feb 27, 1997. Every year towards the end of February the floating (चल) ice melts (पिघला देता है) to its lowest value. But this year it reached all time low. However the director of NSIDC, Mark Serreze said that he would wait for a few more days to confirm the record low measurement(माप) .

contracted  संकुचित Definitions of contract
decrease in size, number, or range.
glass contracts as it cools
synonyms: shrink, get smaller, decrease, diminish, reduce, dwindle, decline
enter into a formal and legally binding agreement.
the local authority will contract with a wide range of agencies to provide services
synonyms: undertake, pledge, promise, covenant, commit oneself, engage, agree, enter an agreement, make a deal
catch or develop (a disease or infectious agent).
three people contracted a killer virus
synonyms: develop, catch, get, pick up, come down with, be struck down by, be stricken with, succumb to
become liable to pay (a debt).
he contracted a debt of $3,300
synonyms: incur, run up

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